Can you believe the Season of Lent is so early this year? It is time to think about what your Lenten journey will look like. This season is typically a time when we choose to abstain from an indulgence or practice some new measure of devotion. Whether you choose to give something up or take something on (or neither), what is most important is ensuring your heart is attentive to the gifts of grace that Jesus has given by way of his ultimate sacrifice on the cross. As we begin the B cycle, we hear Mark’s account of Jesus’ first words: “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and Believe in the Gospel.”
Lent is about conversion and is an invitation to a journey of totally turning of oneself toward God and renewing our Covenant with him. It is a 40-day gift of spiritual time to assess our own baptismal covenantal relationship with our Beloved. Repentance leads to believing, believing leads to living in God’s Kingdom more fully now. The Kingdom of God is at hand, this realm seems to be Jesus’ singular and constant message.
The price for this Kingdom, real transformation, which is what the season of focused intentionality and presence. May the journey ahead be good for your soul.