By Sr. Adel Leonida CCVI
The Memorial Mass of Remembrance was celebrated last Jan. 9, 2024, with the Liturgy
of the Eucharist officiated by Fr. Michael Collins, chaplain and Vicar Forane for the Diocese
of Killaloe. It has been a tradition at Carrigoran House to host a yearly Memorial Mass for
all who died the past year (between December 1, 2022, to Dec 23, 2023). Twenty-six
residents passed away during that period. Invitations were sent out to the families, and
each family was instructed to designate a candle bearer as the names of the deceased were
called. The calling of the names was very solemn and peaceful; the lights were dimmed as
Marie O’ Malley CEO called each person’s name. When the ritual was finished, there was a
moment of silence. The organist accompanied the cantor from the choir in Clarecastle in
singing the hymn “Be not afraid”. It was a moving experience for the families, in addition to
the homily of Fr. Collins when he mentioned that in their grieving and recovery, the
Paschal candle and the lighted candle that each family held while processing to the altar,
symbolized the light of love and peace of our loving God. That experience and its message
will remain forever in their memories.
The staff of different nationalities from the various departments (Nursing, Dietary,
Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Activity Departments) read the Prayers of the Faithful.
The lay ministers and volunteers were each given a task in the spirit of community and
inclusiveness. After the liturgical celebration, all were invited to the dining area for
refreshments of wine and other beverages, assorted cakes, and minced pies. The families
enjoyed the fellowship. Some of the comments were, “The Mass did so much good in her
grieving”, “The gathering for her was a blessing from God as she got to know other families
in the unit.” and “They were hard times but so special and significant in our lives as we
supported one another in our visitation.” Some families went to the units and thanked the
staff for the excellent care at Carrigoran House.
Something I will take away from the experience is seeing the friendship that had
developed between families and the staff. It was a blessing as it reminded me “that we’re
all one family in Christ”.
Praised be the Incarnate Word. Forever!