I call my time at Colorado Springs Mercy Center “the journey to inner self or the journey of inner explorations” because it was a journey to connect with my inner world and embrace my spiritual, emotional and social self, and to come to healing, renewal, growth, and to work on my woundedness by facing my ego, the “psyche.” It was a time for reflection and prayer, study, and community with people from various geographies: South Africa, Nigeria, Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. There were ten of us; six were full-time, and four came in for specific topics. Seven of us were religious, and three were lay Catholics. The program was amazing and a deeply personal experience for me. Besides attending classes with several topics such as Healing Emotions, Dream Explorations, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Mandala, Conscious Celibacy, Mountains and Hills Adventures, Life Transitions through Labyrinth, Genogram, and Art Classes, I also had time for a mini-retreat with St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, went out to movies and trails with the residents, and met a spiritual director/life coach weekly. Because of the program, which ended in December, I came to understand myself a little more. I think, I feel, I desire, I want, I need, and I am committed to serving the Church through my Congregation as God’s witness. I am someone who needs God’s grace and mercy to be more flexible. The program taught me to cultivate patience, develop a spiritual approach to life, accept things “that I can’t change,” and take things and others’ gestures of kindness just the way they are. All the lessons and personality type tests helped me know what kind of spirituality will likely be my best spiritual practice. Understanding why I respond as I do to certain things helps me avoid feeling like a failure or unworthy by comparing myself to others. I thank God for giving me many opportunities to develop my intuition and my powers of perception, to realize that there are many things, day by day, that open doors to God. At the same time, I learned to let my mind wander and conceive new possibilities. I thank our Congregation for this opportunity. I am grateful for this program that helped me come to a better understanding and knowledge of so much that concerns religious life and the Congregational charism/values, nature and creation, human behavior and relations, faith, and prayer, as well as all that pertains to life in general. Praised be the Incarnate Word, forever.