Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for the month: For the terminally ill. We pray that all those with a terminal illness, and their families, receive the necessary physical and spiritual care and accompaniment.
February 2: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the
temple in Jerusalem to be consecrated to God. Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus as being
the fulfillment of the prophecies and the Savior of the world. Today is also observed as
World Day for Consecrated Life. Let us pray for all persons who have chosen to consecrate
their life to God and expend their energies in complete service to God and God’s people.
February 3: Feast of St. Blaise. He was a medical doctor and bishop, and is associated with
the healing of throats—thus began the tradition of blessing of throats on this feast day.
“Through the intercession of St. Blaise, may God deliver you from every disease of the
throat and from every other illness…”
February 4: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The blessing of the Good News is that God heals
the brokenhearted and binds up all their wounds.
February 11: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time and World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Pray for all
those who are suffering from sickness, disease, pain or chronic conditions. Pray also for the
doctors, nurses and caregivers who minister to them.
February 13: Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras). Today we feast for tomorrow we
February 14: Ash Wednesday. The beginning of our Lenten Season. This is a day of fasting
and abstinence and an opportunity to reflect on the Gospel call to conversion and
repentance. It is God’s invitation for us to begin our relationship with Him anew. Ash
Service for all employees will be in the Villa Chapel at 1:00pm.
February 18: 1st Sunday of Lent. Today’s Gospel begins with Mark’s account of Jesus’ first
words: “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe.” From what do you need to
repent? What helps you to believe and live the Gospel more deeply?
February 22: Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle. The Church celebrates the gift of
the papacy and the call of St. Peter. On this day, pray for the Holy Father Pope Francis and
his predecessors.
February 25: 2nd Sunday of Lent. How do you experience the downs and ups—the Paschal
Mystery of dying and rising, of desert and transfiguration in your own life?
Ruah Center Upcoming Retreats: Contact Linda in Ruah Office, ext. 1228.
Centering Prayer Weekend: February 9-10 Emmaus Meeting Room
Friday at 6:30 pm to Saturday at 4:00 pm
Lenten Retreat: February 15-18th
“I look at your Cross, O Christ, and read there the song of Your Love.” Retreat begins at
6:00pm Thursday and ends at 10:30 am Sunday. Come spend time in the “desert” with Jesus
to reflect on this season of conversion.