At the local, state and federal levels, we work to address injustice against immigrants and refugees and support reforms that respect families, secure national borders, increase opportunities for legal immigration that provide a path to citizenship. We also promote the flourishing of vulnerable families and youth and work to create a more just and equitable society by collaborating with socially responsible investment organizations that seek to influence corporate policy and action. We frequently participate in letter writing and call-in campaigns, demonstrations and community forums to be a voice to the voiceless and disenfranchised.
We educate ourselves and others on the issues of our day in order to enhance our response to the needs of the world. From organizing public workshops and conferences to hosting in-house seminars and speakers, we feel a responsibility to stay abreast of our priority issues.
We seek to join with partners and co-ministers in our work of creating a more just world for our sisters and brothers. As continual learners, we consult experts and other persons across geographies with direct experience of our social concerns priorities to make impact with others. Called to be signs of God's presence in the world, we desire to make a contribution to the civic health and general welfare of our immediate communities through outreach and hospitality.